House Team Night
Three Improv Shop House Teams take the stage in House Team Night! Each week you'll see different styles and flavors of longform improv, all in a nice little three set […]
Three Improv Shop House Teams take the stage in House Team Night! Each week you'll see different styles and flavors of longform improv, all in a nice little three set […]
It’s the opening (and err closing) night of a Broadway-style musical, completely made up on the spot. Based on an audience suggestion, The One Four Fives will create a one-of-a-kind […]
Dance, pottery, chalk drawings, bubblegum sculpture, IMPROV! The ideas of artistic movements can be expressed using any media. That might be a surrealist cookbook by Salvador Dali, a futurist industrial-core […]
It's a School Night! Come out to watch 3 teams, back-to-back-to-back, no intermission, all for $0! Team lineup: TBD
Come one! Come all! and catch three local improv teams as they perform in front of a live audience. Just like a zoo!...except there's no cages or fish tanks.
Step right up for The Merry-Go-Round, an improv extravaganza! Three local improv teams go round and round and take you on a ride of unscripted fun. Don’t miss the show where […]
Three Improv Shop House Teams take the stage in House Team Night! Each week you'll see different styles and flavors of longform improv, all in a nice little three set […]
We’re having a PowerPoint party, and you’re invited! Your host Emily Hooper and some of St. Louis’s best comedians and improvisers are gonna teach you (teach you, teach you) all […]
Step right up for The Merry-Go-Round, an improv extravaganza! Three local improv teams go round and round and take you on a ride of unscripted fun. Don’t miss the show where […]
Three Improv Shop House Teams take the stage in House Team Night! Each week you'll see different styles and flavors of longform improv, all in a nice little three set […]