The Cagematch, which was originally created by Kevin Mullaney (former Artistic Director at the UCB Theater), returns to The Improv Shop starting Friday, January 12th 2024. A friendly, longform competition […]
The Cagematch, which was originally created by Kevin Mullaney (former Artistic Director at the UCB Theater), returns to The Improv Shop starting Friday, January 12th 2024. A friendly, longform competition […]
The post-queer jam, queer show, Yas And Friends is on. We’ll have three teams consisting of LGBTQIAP+ members and allies serving long form improv realness.
A dodgeball style scramble of 3 teams to create a unique and semi-competitive improv experience.
Come explore all of the best tropes and cliches of reality dating television with some improvised twists. A full season of reality tv followed by intermission and a scandalous reunion.
Encouraging experimentation, spontaneous art and bold collaborations, THE LAB HAS RETURNED. Each Lab show consists of three improv teams. This week's teams: EMPRESS, Spit-Take & Old Friends This is a […]
We’re having a PowerPoint party, and you’re invited! Your host Emily Hooper and some of St. Louis’s best comedians and improvisers are gonna teach you (teach you, teach you) all […]
It's a School Night! Come out to watch 3 teams, back-to-back-to-back, no intermission, all for $0! Team lineup: TBD
Have you ever been to a theme park and been completely overwhelmed? Have you ever considered going only to back out due to the high price or energy it takes […]
Come one! Come all! and catch three local improv teams as they perform in front of a live audience. Just like a zoo!...except there's no cages or fish tanks.